500+ Social Media and SEO keynotes & Trainings Delivered
Jasmine Sandler
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Bio Highlights
Author of 3 books on LinkedIn Marketing, Executive Branding and SEO. Contributor to Mashable, NY Times, Entrepreneur
Google Small Business Advisor on Social Branding
Founder & CEO of successful JSM since 2006
Social Media Insider on FOX NEWS, CBS, WPIX
Warrior Women in Business Founder & CEO
Created and delivered Digital Marketing course work for Hewlett-Packard, MetLife, SAP & more
#BRANDYOU Conference Producer
Musician and Keynote Speaker on Artist Branding
Created & Delivered over 500 Speeches and Workshops on Social Branding, Social Selling & SEO
Started and sold an action sports and entertainment social network in 2005
Has consulted in Digital Marketing for Fortune 50-1000 executive clients
Agency lead Digital Strategist: Has Developed and Delivered Over 100 Online Marketing Plans for agencies & brands
Hockey Players in Business NYC Chapter President

“After seeing Jasmine speak for Vistage many times, I can say she is one of the genuine experts in the field of social media for executives. She has a thorough understanding of her craft, especially when it comes to the increasing importance of personal branding for C-Suite executives.”
— Steve Wakeen, Vistage Int’l Chair
“Jasmine is a true thought leader in Social Media. Her ability to articulate best practices and create an environment for audience knowledge consumption is her true value to an organization..”
She is the go to Social Branding speaker.
— Kyle Martinowich, Oracle , VP Sales
“I have seen Jasmine Sandler lead Social Media Education and Training many times for marketing executives in the last 15 years.
Her experience is unmatched. Jasmine is a top expert at effectively utilizing LinkedIn and Social Media Marketing..”
— Scott Lange, FMR. Executive Director, Moss Sports


Jasmine Sandler - Speaker Reel. 500+ Speaking and Training engagements on Social Branding, Social Selling and SEO.
Jasmine Sandler led an engaging Social Branding of the Artist Keynote Speech for The Music Entrepreneur Conference 2020.
Jasmine Sandler has spoken for the Women’s Leadership Exchange multiple times on Linkedin for female execs.
Jasmine Sandler has been an ongoing Keynote Speaker for NYXPO on Social Media for Business
For many full length speaking engagements, including Jasmine’s own #BRANDYOU Conference, visit her YouTube Channel.

Jasmine Sandler literally wrote the book for executives and entrepreneurs on social branding. “How to Brand Yourself Online Like a CEO”
In her Social Branding Keynote, she empowers executive and entrepreneurial audiences with the keys to their own social brand-building , from how to determine the purpose and niche for a personal brand to how to leverage it successfully across social media channels.
Whether an audience is conservative or ready for a big social brand, Jasmine’s talk gets them there.
Jasmine Sandler is a well known global LinkedIn Marketing & LinkedIn Sales Trainer and Author Branding & Sales the LinkedIn Way”. She trains small and large teams on how to use LinkedIn as Social Branding and Social Selling tool..
In her sales-driven LinkedIn Marketing keynote talk, Jasmine guides attendees through basic to advanced LinkedIn marketing techniques, from functionalities to personal brand use, company marketing use and relationship-building.
She has been rated a top Linkedin Sales trainer by multiple Fortune 100 firms.
Jasmine Sandler is a former IBM Global Sales Director and Digital Marketing Strategist. She is passionate about using digital marketing and specifically, social media to drive measured sales.
In her Social Selling Keynote talks and workshops for corporate and entrepreneurial audiences, Jasmine illustrates and shares the journey of Social Branding into Social Selling and how salespeople can take advantage of this pathway.
Jasmine offers Social Selling Zoom consultations to individuals as well as social selling training to groups. Jasmine Sandler Social Selling consulting and training.
Jasmine Sandler has been practicing and educating businesses on Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) since 2005.
She has trained and led countless search engine marketing presentations and is still as passionate as ever about delivering proper SEO education to marketers and entrepreneurs alike.
As JSM’s lead SEO Strategist for our clients, Jasmine is always on top of the latest Google and BING algorithmic changes and best in class SEO practices. She shares all of this in an easy to digest manner with her SEO keynote attendees.
Jasmine Sandler in the Media
Jasmine Sandler has been called upon many times to share her insights on Social Media for Business with the Media.
Jasmine Sandler is a regular contributor to FOX News on Social Media and Personal Branding
Jasmine Sandler on CBS New York on the value of the Social Brand