Jasmine Sandler on Fox News #Trump #FBban II
Jasmine Sandler, a regular contributor to Fox News on the topics of Social Media and Personal Branding, speaks on Donald Trump’s two year Facebook ban.
Jasmine Sandler, JSM CEO , Executive Branding and Social Media expert, dives into the political and social complexities of Facebook’s ban of Donald Trump’s account with interviewer Regina Gonzalez on Fox News Now June 2021.
In this interview as you can watch in the FOX news video, Jasmine offers sound expertise on the justification behind Facebook’s quick judgment call and corresponding timeline for Mr. Trump as well as a fair and well-rounded perspective of the importance of enforcing content policies for all.
During the interview, Jasmine illustrates that instead of prioritizing politicians’ content, who voices are deemed as credible and “newsworthy” by the Facebook oversight team, it is important to not only maintain a communal platform that levels the playing field for users, but also ensure that content is credible and fully in accordance with the law.
With the January 6th Insurrection on Capital Hill, and the use of Facebook to incite violence against the nation, this becomes more pressing than ever.
Jasmine acknowledges that any governmental change in regards to social media regulation is a project for the long haul, as there are strong cases for and against government intervention in the expansive world of social media.
She also emphasized the national cry for change in the realm of social media, but urges those to fully consider both sides in this endeavor as we move forward.
To schedule an interview with JS Media CEO on any major media concerning Executive Branding or Social Media for Business, check Jasmine Sandler’s Bio page for information.